Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bacteria Transformed into Living Blinking Clocks This is a video accompanied by an article about the discovery scientists from UCSD involving the bacteria E. coli. Scientists discovered away to manipulate these bacteria in away so that they release florescent beams of energy at periodic intervals. In other words, they make the bacteria blink. This is extremely interesting, but even more phenomenal was the discovery of quorom sensing, an exchange of molecules between the bacteria, in order for the bacteria cultures to be synchronized.

What does this mean for us? Actually, it is a great deal of importance towards us because the researchers are able to implement this in other bacteria cultures, such as those found in yogurt, so that they exchange molecules containing information on the consumers system. Basically, the bacteria receive live feedback of the body's condition, so they can assess what is wrong and deal out the correct amount of medicine. At least, that's the goal. These researches are now trying to swap the dye gene that emits light with man made compounds, like drugs, so they can be released from the pill at the appropriate time.

I think this article was very intriguing and that the video was amazing. In the last few years, man has made some major steps in medicine, and this not only proof of it, but further advancement of our capabilities. I'm excited to find out more about the outcome of this operation and hope it can help humans greatly in the future.


  1. I thought Declan did well in his second paragraph where he told us the reasons that this discovery was important. I thought it was good that he made a reference back to food and things that we consume. I also thought it was good how he talked about how we react to the chemical.
    Although Declan had good aspects, his explanation was not long enough. It was very vague and did not give enough detail. Also I didn't understand some of the terms in the explanation.
    I was mainly confused in this article, but I thought it was interesting that they have gone this far with medicine.

  2. In the article “Bacteria Transformed into Living, Blinking Clocks Could Provide Precisely Timed Drug Delivery”, a video explains how E. coli bacteria blink at intervals, but when enough group together, they blink in unison. This phenomenon is called quorum sensing. This article addressed an interesting idea, how bacteria can be manipulated to produce drugs and other useful products. The concept seemed simple enough to recreate and can be used for a variety of uses. The video made the article literally come to life.
    However, the details of this technique and how it actually works were lacking. It was just too short. The scientific terms could have been explained in more detail.
    This article could become significant, because if science can find a way to engineer these bacteria to cure disease or detect toxins, science could be changed by this technology and its varied uses.

  3. I liked this article because it was very summarized and quick to read. The topic of this article was quite interesting and therefore I was quite intrigued. I also liked how Declan referred the information to the society that surrounds him and how it effects us.
    I found this article a little confusing though. He should have further explained his point about the article and made it very clear. Scientific terination was lacking and I wasn't thoughly understanding what he was saying in this article, the length is concerning as well, again, a longer review may have been needed.
    I was impressed with how interesting it was despite its defaults.
    By Olivia Estes
