Thursday, September 16, 2021

New class of habitable exoplanets represent a big step forward in the search for life

The central idea of the article, “New class of habitable exoplanets represent a big step forward in the search for life,” by Science Daily, is that Scientists have discovered new types of planets that could be habitable but aren’t similar to earth. The article got straight to the point, by explaining what these planets are. According to the article, they are called “Hycean” planets which are hot, ocean-covered planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres. The article also stated that astronomers have mostly looked at earth-like planets but researchers from the University of Cambridge believe that the Hycean planets are more promising. Another thing that the article said that was interesting was that the Hycean planets are different from the Earth-like planets but could still be habitable. They are said to be 2.6 times larger than earth and have atmospheric temperatures of about 200 degrees celsius. I thought that this article was very interesting because it shows that there are planets that could be habitable out there and that we could find biosignatures of life outside of our solar system in about 2 or 3 years possibly. 

This impacts us because we could possibly live on a different planet one day and this just gets us one step closer. We could also end up finding life on other planets that are habitable. Some problems that could occur is that we don’t know exactly what’s out there. There could be so many factors that we don’t even know about like certain conditions on the planet or dangerous life but as our technology progresses we will continue to learn more and more about space and what’s out there.

Overall, this article was very well written. Although it could have gotten into more detail about how this affects us, it gave lots of information about the planet and what astronomers have been looking at. I would have like to know more about how we could possibly inhabit these planets, but it was very interesting to read and gave readers insight on what the future could look like.

University of Cambridge. "New class of habitable exoplanets represent a big step forward in the search for life." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 August 2021. <>.

1 comment:

  1. This review of “New class of habitable exoplanets represent a big step forward in the search for life” by science daily was extremely well done. I really like how clear the writing is, particularly in the summary, because it made it easy for me to understand the article and it’s concepts. I also found the way the writer described the planet to be a very helpful visual. I was able to better understand what a Hycean planet looks like when the writer explained they are 2.6 times larger than earth and have a temperature of around 200 degrees celsius. The final aspect that really stood out to me was the connection made to human life. I found it very interesting that some day us humans could inhabit these foreign planets. I agree with the author when he said that the article would have been even better if it discussed ways to inhabit these planets.
    Though there is not much that can be improved upon, something I might add would be more information about the newly discovered planets. Since life on Hycean planets is promising, I was really intrigued by what they were and would have enjoyed a few more details so that I better understood what they were like. Another suggestion for the writer would be to incorporate a powerful quote into future reviews. I read through the article and found various quotes from different scientists that I believe would have added a lot of strength into this article review. Quotes coming from professionals show the relevance of the event, making the reader more interested and more appreciative of the subject.
    As I stated above, I was pretty blown away by the idea that someday humans could live on other planets. Hycean planets create this possibility, so someday, they may change the world.
    New class of habitable exoplanets represent a big step forward in the search for life. (2021, August 25). Retrieved September 20, 2021, from
