Friday, September 13, 2013

A Climate Alarm, Too Muted for Some

Gillis, Justin. "A Climate Alarm, Too Muted for Some." The New York Times. N.p., 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Sept. 2013. <>.

The United Nations panel about the science of climate change will be meeting in Stockholm this month to finish a document about what is likely to happen if we continue polluting the earth over the next century.  There are two opposing views that are fighting over what is causing the problem.  One group says that the fossil fuels we are burning is causing the land ice to melt and could raise the ocean by 3 feet by 2100 and some say it may even be a five foot raise.  The second group is more focused on the Carbon Dioxide emissions and that it will drastically raise the earth’s temperature.  They claim that if the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere doubles, which it looks like it will, then the temperatures will rise at least 3.6°F but probably over 5°F.  Many believe that these panels exaggerate their data in order to cause panic and get something done.  It appears that in this study they are using the more accurate and less dramatic data and are saying that all this data is likely not definite.  Their data could change; they still haven’t released their final report and it won’t be released until September 27th.
                If this report is correct, something needs to be done, and very quickly.  These increases in temperature will cause the oceans to flood many areas and also will destroy a lot of natural habitats for animals like Polar Bears.  These increases in carbon dioxide will also cause major changes and probably make a world that is more sensitive to carbon dioxide.  The major problem is that these are only predictions, we don’t know if they are accurate or if they will be much worse.  Hopefully these are just exaggerations.  If they are accurate, then we need to change our way of life, like switching to more environmentally friendly power sources and stay away from fossil fuels. 

                I found this article to be very interesting, but it was light on actual details about the document and focused too much on the politics of this situation.  It would be much more helpful if it had some information about a call to action in this document, or if it was just going to be stating the predictions.  It will be interesting to see the final document, and whether it is supported by the world, or ridiculed.    


  1. I really like how Jason first introduced us to the current event which is climate changes. I like how he started off saying to opposing point of views given by the different groups. I also like how Jason gave clear explanations and added statistics about the way the climate change will effect the human population and the natural habitats for certain animals like polar bears.
    Something I think Jason could have done better is that he could of given more of a background as to previous talks about the climate change. Also, his paragraphs could have had a more smooth transition between the topics.
    from Jason's blog, I have learned that there is a serious climate change that will soon make the ocean waters rise by 3 o 5 feet that will flood and destroy habitats.

  2. I really liked how Jason focused on the details of the environment and the problems the Earth may be facing in the next century instead of going on and on about the politics of the situation, like the article did. I also liked how he gave specific estimations on the changes the Earth would undergo if people keep polluting the Earth as the rate they are now. For example, if the Carbon Dioxide emissions continue to increase, the Earth’s temperature will increase by 3.6˚F-5˚F. Another example is that burning fossil fuels is causing land ice to melt, thus increasing the sea level. If the ice continues to melt at this rate, there will be a 3 foot-5 foot raise in sea level by 2100. He also connected his summary together really well; he tied the paragraphs together into one, complete review instead of having the paragraphs seem to be like different reviews themselves. And finally I really liked how he told us when a new article or update will be released if we want to read and learn more about this very critical global issue.
    However, I do believe that Jason could have made the amount of information about the two different views more equal. It seems that there is more information about the climate change then there is about the increase in sea level. One more thing that I think may have improved the article is that he could have included more information about how he felt about the article because I like it more when the authors of reviews include a lot of information about their reaction to the article, but Jason had a short, little paragraph.
    One thing that I learned, and which actually scared me was how much danger the world and everything that lives in it will be in grave danger if these terrifying statistics continue to occur.

  3. I thought that Jason did a good job of explaining what the article was generally about. I also thought he did a good job of explaining the two opposing sides. He also did a good job of stating his opinion of the article. I think he could have done a better job of explaining why the two sides had their opinion. He also could have briefly explained the politics of the article. A fact that impressed me was how dramatic these changes will be and how urgent it is that we do something to prevent these things from happening.

  4. I liked that Jason mentioned the 2 different causes of climate change, which are fossil fuels and too much carbon dioxide. I also liked the Jason included a lot of details, like the ocean will rise 3 feet by 2100. I also thought that Jason did a good job at listing few reasons on how we can stop these changes from happening. I think Jason should have added more ways on how we can use less fossil fuel, and how we can produce less carbon dioxide. Jason should have mentioned other factors that cause a lot of carbon dioxide. I learned that the temperature will rise at least by 3.6 degrees in Fahrenheit.

  5. Jason’s article about the effects of climate change was well written and interesting to read about. He did a good job of presenting the opposing views for the cause of the problem and had information to back up each side’s claims. He also had specific details such as the fact that the fossil fuel we are burning cause the land ice to melt and will raise the ocean level by 3-5 feet in 2100. Also, how carbon dioxide emissions will raise the earth’s temperature from about 3.6° to 5° F. His article was well-written, easy to read, and had good explanations for all of his information.
    Although the report was very good, there were some things that could make it even better, such as going into detail about how we can help and how pollution can be stopped. Also, he could explain what kind of changes carbon dioxide will cause if we continue to pollute the planet.
    Before reading this article, I wasn’t aware of how much the ocean levels or the earth’s temperature could rise because of the burning of fossil fuels and carbon dioxide emissions.
