Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wildfires and Climate Change

Galbraith, Kate. "Wildfires and Climate Change." New York Times 4 Sept. 2013. 6 Sept. 2013

           The article, Wildfires and Climate Change by Kate Galbraith of The New York Times discusses the huge problem we face today in terms of the number of wild fires that are happening around the world and their impact on the climate of the areas they hit.  When these fires occur it leaves everything in its tracks shriveled in turn making the climate very dry.  Mostly humans are to blame for starting these fires and not always by accident. Some of these fires get so big and begin to spread making them hard to contain and made worse by the change in climate. An Ecosphere researcher explains how parts of the tropics are less likely to have wild fires with climate change because they’re an area near the Equator with more of a chance of precipitation with climate change. In Southeast Asia people use fires to clear land later these fires become out of control and lead to way more devastation then intended.
            These fires pollute the air making us have to breath in harmful chemicals into our bodies.  The ashes contaminate the water supply. These fires destroy buildings, land, and lives. These fires are not good for us and they’re not good for our environment.
            I believe this article is a great piece of work.  The reason I like it is because it is not an article just about facts, which bores me but it has personality I also enjoyed reading what the researchers and firemen had to say.  It opened my eyes to what is happening in the world in terms of our environment.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how Caroline told us what the article was called and who wrote it and then got into the details so we had an idea of what the review was going to be about because she included the name of the title in the first sentence. I also loved how Caroline told us the cause and effect of wildfires and how they can impact us a lot, she used facts from the article, which are alarming and makes the reader more interested. And I liked how she added something about a different country in there so we can see how it impacts other countries, not just ours.

    I think Caroline did a great job on talking about this article but I think she could have talked more about the explanation of how the information in the article affects humanity and she could have maybe made the second paragraph longer and expanded it. I also think that her critique of the article was great but I think she could talk more about why she liked it.

    I did learn from the review of this article a lot about wildfires and how it can affect us and how bad the wildfires are because I didn’t realize before I read this how they can be so bad for us.
