Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Forensic Approach to a Sidewalk Nuisance

CHEM- IH                                                                                                                        Morgan Frayne
Current Events #2                                                                                                                          2/25/13

Works Cited:

Yardley, Jim. "A Forensic Approach to a Sidewalk Nuisance." The New York Times. The New York
Times, 22 Feb. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/23/world/europe/a-forensic-approach-to-a-sidewalk-nuisance.html?ref=science>.

A Forensic Approach to a Sidewalk Nuisance
This article is about Naples, Italy. Currently, Naples is having a financial debt crisis, the crime rate has been high, and they are having a serious sewage crisis. Of all the problems Naples is having, the government has decided to focus on dog doo. Another one of the big problems there is excessive dog doo on the streets. The government has tried everything from mailing it back to the owners to make them start cleaning it up, publically shaming the dog owners, and offering free Wi-Fi to people who clean up after their dogs. All of these attempts at breaking the habit have failed, so the government of Naples has decided to take a different scientific approach. The government used its tax money to build a database for dog’s DNA so that whenever dog poop is found in the street, they can take it back to the database and have it tested. When the dog in question is found, the owner gets fined about 500 euros (about $685.) The government hopes this new approach will work, and that $27,000 that they’ve invested in this new project will all be worth it.
I this article is important because once the process of DNA testing will become more refined, it will become more advanced, cheaper, and maybe more areas will start to use the same method to track down people who litter. Plus, this will probably lead to technological advancements in the field of scientific DNA testing, which could make it easier to analyze crime scenes and make the police departments job easier.
I think this article was extremely informative and well written. The author did a great job of keeping the reader interested and gathered information from both sides, which is very important. I really enjoyed reading this article because the topic was very interesting. Also, although it only talks about Naples, this news pertains to a lot of people because this idea could lead to big things around the world.


  1. Morgan did a great job on this review! The title grabbed my attentions and I was wondering what this "Sidewalk Nuisance" was, but it was nothing like I had expected. She did a good job on having her sentences flow into one another and it keeps the reader interested. Also, because the length is not so bad, it keeps the reader from having to refocus a lot. Morgan's second paragraph was the best, I believe, because she brings up some points that I have not thought of before, such as how Naples, Italy is tracking down the owners of the "sidewalk nuisance" might lead to DNA testing advancements in other areas.
    However there are small errors that can be improved on such as the wording of certain sentences. Also, the review is missing a third paragraph.
    I had not known any of this information until Morgan posted her review and it caught my attention. The scientific approach that Naples is taking to litter is a somewhat simple, but still complex, idea; however, it is an idea that can work in many different scenarios and can be advanced greatly, especially with the technology we have in this day and age.

  2. Morgan did a really good job on grabbing the readers attention almost immediately, and pulling us in. She chose a really interesting and unique topic to write about, which made it enjoyable to read. I also really like the way that she summarized the article. She made it really short, but summed up the article all in one paragraph. Also, the way that she brought up the point about how the DNA tester can lead us to greater technological advances was a very accurate point, that hadn't come across my mind. Lastly, I enjoyed how Morgan included factual evidence in her review such as when she mentions how much the government had invested on this DNA tester, as well as the fine that people have to pay.
    However, in the original article, they showed us how people had felt about this new law and how they reacted, and I think that Morgan could have included a quote about how people felt about this. Also, I think that she could have chosen a more appropriate article that wasn't so random.
    Before Morgan posted this article, I wasn't aware that this is a real problem, and that Naples would actually take action and make a law about it. I think that it is a good idea that government is now starting to take action about the sanitation problems that we have today. This definitely was an interesting article that caught my attention, and I enjoyed reading.
