Saturday, April 26, 2014

In Land That Values Ivory, Wild Elephants Find a Safe Haven

Jacobs, Andrew. "In Land That Values Ivory, Wild Elephants Find a Safe Haven." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. <>.

I read the article “In Land That Values Ivory, Wild Elephants Find a Safe Haven,” by Andrew Jacobs. In this article the issue of mass slaughter of elephants is expressed. Over the past decades the number of elephants in the world has almost doubled thanks to people having a bugger role in the protection of these animals. Recently however, studies have shown that in China, a place known for needing ivory, may have the perfect place to shelter elephants. In southwest China forests provide protection for the elephants with plenty of food and less hunting. The one problem facing these areas is the loss of habitat, and resources. The elephants that now have less food will wander to farmers plantations and steal food. These issues are currently being addressed with authorities all over China.

Although the decrease in elephant population may induce sadness into our lives it has no real and direct effect, these crops being eaten could be some that are grown for trade. Therefore, areas such as the U.S may end up affected by these elephants in China. This article can also open our eyes to the environmental concerns we should have and be able to save animals habitats not just elephants.

I think the writer of the article did a great job summarizing this huge worldwide problem into a relatively simple to read article. However, I do not think the vocabulary in this article was really 9th grade level, so I had to look up a few words but other than that a very nicely written and educational article to read.


  1. I think Estelle did a great job with this Current Event article review. I liked many aspects of the review. First, the summary gave just the right amount of information. It was not too short, not too long, but it made me want to find out more about the topic. In addition, Estelle did a great job with the connection. Even though there was no real direct connection from the article to our lives, Estelle thought about the topic of discussion might indirectly affect us. Finally, Estelle gave a good critique of the article in which she mentioned the reading level of the article and some things that the author did well in writing the article.
    Though the review was great, there are a couple of things that could make it even better. First, she could make the sentences flow better, as sometimes I found it confusing to read. Also, I did notice one typo in the review.
    One thing I learned from this article is that China is a safe place for elephants to live. I would have thought that many hunters or poachers would be in China and elephants could be at risk, but apparently not. Overall, Estelle did a great job with the article.

  2. Estelle did a great job summarizing the article, In Land That Values Ivory, Wild Elephants Find a Safe Haven. I liked how she stated how the decrease of elephants was not a direct effect, but hinted in the article that it was important that elephants be kept safe. I also liked how she gave a good description about elephants and their habitats. Finally, I liked how she mentioned that some of the vocabulary in the article was above our reading level.
    Estelle did a great job with the review. However, there were a few things she could have improved on. First, some of her sentences could have been worded better and second, she should have edited her review before she published it because there was a typo.
    One thing I learned from the article was that many hunters could be in China, but it is still a safe place fro elephants to live because they're being protected.
