Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Chemists Pick New Leader for World's Largest Science Society.

Robert Schetlick
Chemistry 9H Odd C
Current Event 9 Review

The article I read was about Thomas M. Connelly Jr., who is to become the CEO of the American Chemical Society. He is a chemical engineer who spent his career at DuPont, as the company’s chief innovation officer. In February 2015, the old CEO will retire allowing Thomas M. Connelly Jr. to step in their place with new ideas and plans. His goals as the new CEO are to educate everyone he can about chemistry to help find solutions to big problems. He plans to educate the general public as best he can, not just students in the K-12 grade range. Connelly wants everyone to understand the science behind modern major health, food, and energy issues. When asked to give an example in an interview he said, “Chemistry is key to protecting crops in our food supply, for instance. Soil chemistry is important for that, as is crop nutrition. In the environment, chemistry is important for maintaining ecosystems. People need to understand geochemistry and atmospheric chemistry in order to do that” (Fischman). Connelly hopes that clearer messages and proper education will help consumers understand how to live better lives through using chemistry as a tool to help them solve problems and be a healthier person. Everyone will be able to utilize chemistry for universal good.

When Thomas M. Connelly Jr. assumes the role of CEO, our society will be affected greatly. If he succeeds in carrying out his plans to educate and assist the public, everyone will live better lives. People everywhere, including bronxville will make healthier choices and have the basic tools they need to use chemistry to solve their problems. For example, citizens could alter their diet based on what they learned about chemistry to be more energized and more productive during their day. These changes could also improve the efficiency of our workforce. If the goals set by the new ACS are met, everyone will benefit.

The article was fairly well written, and delivered its points well in a shorter amount of writing. The article, although it is lengthy, uses fewer words to say more. This is a strength, because readers get a better understanding of the author’s ideas in less time. The article also relates the information frequently to everyone in society’s life, which interests the reader. The article was somewhat weakened by the exclusion of the full interview. Only parts of the interview were included in the article, and a better understanding of Connelly’s ideals could be reached with the other parts of the interview. The article could be improved by adding more material from the interview and some quotations from the new CEO as additional proof of his goals. This article is a very positive outlook and leaves the reader feeling very inspired, which is why the article is well written.

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