Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Rule On Lead Safety Set to Take Effect"

Navarro, Mireya. "Rule On Lead Safety Set to Take Effect." New York Times 8 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. .

In 1992, Congress forced the EPA to create a regulation on lead in places where children are in order to reduce the number of cases each year with lead poisoning among children ages six ande below. The EPA finally created a regulation ten years later in 2008 which will start on this coming April 22, 2010. Mireya Navarro discusses this topic in depth in her article Rule on Lead Safety Set to Take Effect in the New York Times. She tells us how any people have been filing lawsuits against the EPA to make the regulation happen and even to change it some more. This rule is aiming to fix building built before 1978 where lead was used without knowledge of the harmful effects it would have on children. Some of the effects that lead does have on children are neurological damage such as lowering of /IQ and behavioral problems. The fine for not working according to the new regulations is $37,500 so the rule will be self enforced. The regulation will cause many people to purchase things to fit the requirement such as a vacuum to suck in some of the lead dust, this will lead unfortunately to price raises. The main problem in this regulation taking affect is that many businesses have not been trained in doing their work the right way which may lead to many ignorant people getting fined unfairly. Since this new regulation has been passed, many have stressed to only use certified companies and hire only certified workers. This is a serious event that will affect the way things are made in this country for many years to come.
This article is very significant for everyone, not just construction workers. This will make the lives of children safer, extremely lowering the rates of children facing lead poisoning. People will now also have to be careful in who they higher to build things in their home from basements to kitchens to redoing older rooms. This is a great advance towards healthy building that does not affect the environment. I chose this article because the facts in this article affect everyone in the country. People are always getting their houses redone, or building completely new houses, therefore the importance is very large.
This article was extremely well written, but I would have liked the author to do some things differently. There should have been a more detail on what lead is and why it is so bad. I also would have liked some example where workers would be fined. Besides those two critiques, the article was very well written and I liked it a lot.


  1. Trevor did a very good job of presenting a summary of this article. One particularly strong point of this review was the analysis of the effects of the new lead laws. He made many points, and explained each one with detail. The overall detail of the article was also very strong, as Trevor mentioned dates, exact prices, exact products, and so on and so forth. Lastly, the review itself was very well written in terms of spelling, grammar, and structure.
    Though Trevor did a great job, he could’ve improved some things. For instance, his last paragraph was not up to the level of the rest of the article. He could’ve found a better way to critique than saying some of the things he said. Secondly, his article stretched on for a while and could’ve been a bit more concise.
    The information in this review truly informed me. I did not realize the full extent of lead’s power, in turns of affecting the brain, etc. This article truly made me aware of legislation that I would probably not learned of, and any time a citizen expands his knowledge of his country’s regulations, it is a positive thing.

  2. I think Trevor made his article review very well. He worded his article so it would bore the reader. He explained the pro’s and con’s of the bill and how it would affect the reader. I also like the organization, because it was to the point. He made some strong points but they could be controversial. His point would put the immediacy of current employment against the long term effects of lower IQ and health.
    Although Trevor said the cleaners would need training was a bad thing, actually I think it’s a good thing because less people would be able to do it and it would make the wage increase. This article taught me a lot. Before I read this article I did not know that Lead poisoning lessened peoples IQ and I was not very familiar illness.
