Tuesday, April 27, 2010

“Video Shows Chimpanzees Reacting to Death Like Humans”

“Video Shows Chimpanzees Reacting to Death Like Humans”

Chris Davis

Associated Press. "Video Shows Chimpanzees Reacting to Death Like Humans ." The New York Times. The New York Times, 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 27 Apr. 2010. .

A recent video, taken at a zoo in Scotland, reveals yet another similarity between humans and monkeys. The video showed three Chimpanzees “caressing and grooming the fourth, a dying female, more than usual,” according to James Anderson. After the Chimpanzee died, the other three were checking for signs of life. Once they accepted the fact that their companion was dead, the Chimpanzee’s daughter built a nest and slept next to her dead mother. The zoo’s head keeper said that the animals were “quieter than normal and lost their appetites after the death.”

This article is important to society because it shows just one more similarity between Humans and Chimpanzee’s. The fact that the chimpanzees were empathetic to one another shows that these animals have personalities just like us humans.

Overall I thought that this article was very interesting. The article was concise, and provided a new perspective on animal life.


  1. I thought the Chris did a great job with this article. His review was concise, which made it easy and enjoyable to read. Also, he included enough detail to appreciate the article but not so much that is it a bore to read. Finally, I his casual writing style makes this a nice read for anyone, from the most astute to the least.
    Although this was a great review, it could be improved. I would have liked it if Chris talked a little more about why he found this article interesting. Although, this might not be so important I enjoy comparing opinions. Moreover, it would have been a little better if he discussed this video’s impact on society.
    Even though I knew that humans and chimpanzees are closely related before reading the article, I never knew that they had jut as strong emotions as us. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this review.

  2. I thought the Chris did a great job in reviewing this article. He was able to make it short but good enough so it was easy to read. He did a good job being very descriptive, but not too boring. Chris also did a good job of getting across what was told in this article. Chris did not really give much of a reason for why he chose this article. Also, he did not really describe how this affected society. 
Before reading this article I did not know how similar chimpanzees really were to humans, but after reading it I really know more about it.

  3. I enjoyed this article for many reasons. Though the review was short it was very informative. I emjoyed how short it was because it wasnt so overwhelming. He also only put in the important facts and left out the minor details that didnt matter so much.
    Though his review was impressive he did not state how it affected our society today. Also he couldve talked a little more about why he chose this article, why it was interesting to him.
    By reading this review i learned how similar chimps really are to humans. Overall i am impressed with this review.

  4. Chris Davis did a good job presenting this article. I like how he made it simple and understandable to read, so as to not cause a confusing appearance to how and why the monkeys reacted as they did. I also admire how Chris mentioned the main parts of the moment of the monkeys death to the full aftershock of it. I think how he mentioned how this article was showing a new perspective on animal life.
    I think there were some spots he could have improved his article on. For instance, he could have gone into more detail of the monkey’s death, like answering when was it, and how many other monkeys responded differently to it, and how did the monkeys know she was dead. Also, he should have explained why finding out another similarity from us to monkeys is important to society.
    This article taught me a lot of new information. Before, I did not think that monkeys would have such compassion and get impacted so greatly when one of them dies.
