Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ebola Cases Reported Up Sharply in Liberia.

Gladstone, Rick. "Ebola Cases Reported Up Sharply in Liberia." New York Times. N.p., 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.

In the New York Times article, Ebola Cases Reported Up Sharply in Liberia written by Rick Gladstone on September 8, 2014, addresses the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.  The World Health Organization now refers to the outbreak a crisis.  Liberia is stated to have the highest number of cases and highest number of deaths caused from Ebola. Although the number of people with Ebola in Liberia, there are few health care workers and hospital beds. “Liberia had only 1 doctor per 100,00 people.” This static was stated before the outbreak began and now there are 152 health care workers with Ebola, 79 of which have died. The government in West Africa is trying to find ways for Ebola to stop spreading. The Government of Sierra Leone is imposing a curfew on all its citizens this month to further assess the problem. Liberia tired to quarantine all Ebola patients but that did not work. There have been riots so it only lasted ten days. The end of the article suggests that experts say that vaccines could be available soon and they are trying very hard to find a cure.
Ebola is a threat to all of us. The virus causes the patients to have high fevers, fatigue, and internal bleeding.  The disease was discovered in 1976, and this year in 2014 there was an extreme outbreak in Africa. It not only has affected West Africa but also all the countries helping by spending money and losing lives of rescuers. At the Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, doctors saved two American health workers that caught Ebola. They will be treating a third patient from West Africa as well.
This article was a well-written article. The article was clear to understand and gave good information on the history of the outbreak through the future. It stated the current news on the Ebola outbreak in a timely matter and also gave information on what will happen in the future with methods to try to cure Ebola. However, it would have been better if there was more history on different outbreaks in Africa or even if they have broken out anywhere else in the world. Another important of information that was missing was what factors cause Ebola so in the future, or even now, we know how to contain it or prevent it. Therefore, a little more information could be needed to make this article improved.  

Posted for M. Buendia


  1. I enjoyed this article’s review very much, and there were many aspects that made it enjoyable. I really enjoyed the topic of the article that Mimi read. In my opinion, it is very important to learn about the Ebola outbreak, because it is putting many people’s lives at stake, and it is important to be informed on something so terrible. I thought that the amount of statistics in this review were very helpful. I really liked how Mimi was able to incorporate quotes seamlessly into her review, and it made the review come alive. I also really liked how she got right to the point with her article review, rather than adding in pointless details. The article was also nicely spaced out, with lots of details added in.
    I think that this article review was very good, however I think that a couple of things need to be taken into account. I think that this review would benefit from proper grammar usage. Although grammar was not the main focus of the article, I think that it would make the article a lot easier to understand. I also think that separating the different ideas into different paragraphs would help the flow of the article review.
    I think that this article stood out because of how much data and information was included. I learned a lot of information about the Ebola outbreak from a few sentences, and I took away a lot from this article review

  2. For the current events assignment Mimi Buendia wrote on the article "Ebola Cases Reported Up Sharply in Liberia." I really like some particular things she did. One thing that I liked was that she used many numbers and statistics. This really helped me get a feel of how many people are suffering and hoe much help they need. I think with out these numbers it would not remind me of how serious it really is. Another part of Mimi’s work I really like was the fact that she explained what Ebola really is. I often here people speaking about it and I sometimes feel afraid to ask what it does to you or what the symptoms are but in Mimi’s work it didn’t leave me needing to know more witch was very helpful. One more thing that made me enjoy reading Mimi’s work was that she write about the article. It made me feel as if I read it my self and also I liked hearing her opinion on the writer so I can read the article for my self and agree or disagree. Two suggestions I have for Mimi are, that I think you should start out by explaining what you are writing about. You write what Ebola is towards the end but I think next time you should put it in the beginning so people can imagine it as they read. Another suggestion I have is, at the end I think it is a good idea to end with an open-ended question to keep the reader thinking and wanting to know more about this topic. Overall I was very impressed by your whole writing piece I thought it was put together well and flowed nicely I also learned a lot through it and it made me realize how big of a problem it really is.

  3. For the current events assignment Mimi Buendia wrote on the article "Ebola Cases Reported Up Sharply in Liberia." I really like some particular things she did. One thing that I liked was that she used many numbers and statistics. This really helped me get a feel of how many people are suffering and hoe much help they need. I think with out these numbers it would not remind me of how serious it really is. Another part of Mimi’s work I really like was the fact that she explained what Ebola really is. I often here people speaking about it and I sometimes feel afraid to ask what it does to you or what the symptoms are but in Mimi’s work it didn’t leave me needing to know more witch was very helpful. One more thing that made me enjoy reading Mimi’s work was that she write about the article. It made me feel as if I read it my self and also I liked hearing her opinion on the writer so I can read the article for my self and agree or disagree. Two suggestions I have for Mimi are, that I think you should start out by explaining what you are writing about. You write what Ebola is towards the end but I think next time you should put it in the beginning so people can imagine it as they read. Another suggestion I have is, at the end I think it is a good idea to end with an open-ended question to keep the reader thinking and wanting to know more about this topic. Overall I was very impressed by your whole writing piece I thought it was put together well and flowed nicely I also learned a lot through it and it made me realize how big of a problem it really is.
