Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Health Risks of E-cigarettes Emerge.

Raloff, Janet. "Health Risks of E-cigarettes Emerge." Science News. N.p., 28 June 2014. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
In this article it mainly told the readers on how the thought to be safe, electronic cigarettes, could be a health risk to the human body. E-cigarette, (electronic cigarette) were made a few years ago to help tobacco cigarette smokers, lose their addiction to the cigarettes. The give you a pleasure when in use, and this was thought to be a safe and pleasing pleasure when e-cigarettes were first released. However, recently scientists have discovered that when breathing in the “vapor” of the e-cigarette, you are taking in toxic chemicals into your body, and into your lungs. This includes the chemical carcinogens, which can make bacterial infections that are impossible to be cured by antibiotics. There are also other chemicals and solvents that enter your body while using e-cigarettes, some that may even cause cancer.
This article is very important to society because it will prevent those from reading to using e-cigarettes as a solution to quit smoking. There are many healthier solutions for quitting, and electronic cigarettes are not one of them. I chose this article because I had heard about e-cigarettes in the past, and always thought of them as a great invention, and a positive solution to quit smoking. When I saw the title of this article I was thrown off guard and wanted to look into detail on how e-cigarettes could cause harm to the body.
Some critiques that I have about this article are that it didn’t explain how an electronic cigarette worked. Some who would have clicked on this article would not have known how an e-cigarette worked and what it was even used for. The article just went straight into talking about all the chemicals and scientific stuff without much background information. Another critique I had was that it got more and more confusing as it went on. The beginning was very clear and I got the main idea, but as it went on I had to re-read a lot of information. All together it was a very interesting and informational article 
Posted for H. Colvin


  1. In Harry`s review of the article Health Risks of E-cigarettes Emerge, the first thing I liked about the review was that Harry explains why e-cigarettes were made. I thought e-cigarettes were made to be a healthy way to keep smoking, not to be a safe way to quit smoking. Another thing that I liked about the review is that Harry explains that e-cigarettes contain chemical carcinogens that make bacterial infections impossible to be cured by antibiotics and they can cause cancer. I thought e-cigarettes were healthy. The last thing I liked about Harry’s review is he tells why he picked the article.
    The first thing I think Harry could have done better in his review is to read his review to himself and see how the wording is a little off in the first paragraph. It is a little confusing when you read it. Second, in the article Harry says that the article does not explain how e-cigarettes work, but in the article it says “The devices heat up a liquid that a user inhales, or “vapes”. I think Harry may have wanted more information on how e-cigarettes work.
    I like that the article goes into a lot of detail about what e-cigarettes do to the human body.

  2. I read Harry’s review of “Health Risk of E-cigarettes Emerge” by Raloff Janet. Overall, I though Harry did a good job reviewing this article. I liked how Harry related this article to real life and how it affected society. I also liked how Harry also talked about why he choose the article and how it affected him personally. One final thing I liked abut Harry’s article review was how he talked about what people used to think compared to what people think now about E-cigarettes.

    Although overall I though Harry did a good job reviewing this article, I think that he could have done a few things better. For example, Harry could have mentioned specific names of scientists who researched this so the reader would realize how important this issue is. Another thing Harry could have done to improve this review is he could have included some of the statistics that were included in the article to make readers think about how E-cigarettes can affect the human population.

    One thing that amazed me about this article was that E-cigarettes actually have chemicals that can cause cancer. E-cigarettes contain solvents that can transform into carbonyls. Some carbonyls such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are known to cause cancer. In conclusion, I believe that Harry did a good job reviewing this article.

  3. I thought the review of the article was written well. One thing I liked was how the summary gave you a clear and basic idea on what the article was about. Another thing I liked about the review was how it described all the health problems E cigarettes were causing. The last thing I liked was how the critique gave many reasons why the article was bad. The one thing that could make the review even better would be a description about what E cigarettes are. Another thing that could improve this article is more information on how this article is important to society. One thing that stood out to me was how the E cigarettes could cause cancer. Overall I think this was a good review on the article.

  4. I read the post about e-cigarettes and I think the description of the effects of on the body was good. Secondly I liked the post because it was brief but informative. The third thing I liked was how he explains why he chose the article. One things that can be improved is that he could give us his opinion instead of giving us a summary of article. The second thing that he could have done is to reread and maybe edit it to be more clear. One thing that I really interested in was how technology influences not only communication and business but also human health.

  5. Harry’s review of Health Risk of E-cigarette Emerge was a very good review. First of all, he deeply explained what are E-cigarettes and how they are used, helping me understand more about the topic. In addition, the way Harry wrote the review, organized and with concise sentences, made reading it more enjoyable. Lastly, the way that Harry explained thoroughly the effects of the E-cigarettes, talking about the fact that the cigarettes could cause bacterial infections that are impossible to be cured by antibiotics and that it might even cause cancer, was very interesting.
    Although this review was very good, one way it could have been made better is it would have been good to put a bit more information about the E-cigarettes themselves. Another way it could be improved is that it could have had a better wording in the first paragraph. Some sentences sounded a bit off and there were some spelling errors.
    In conclusion, this review was very interesting because I knew E-cigarettes were bad for you, but I didn’t know the details about it. So now I know just how bad they are and how they are really not a good replacement for cigarettes.

  6. Liam Greenfield 9/14/21

    Raloff, Janet. "Health Risks of E-cigarettes Emerge." Science News. N.p., 28 June 2014. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.

    The review of ‘Health Risks of E-Cigarettes Emerge” was well written and had several aspects that were very well done. This review was clear and in his first paragraph the author of the review was able to provide a concise yet informative background. The author demonstrated the importance of this issue to society by listing all the harmful effects of e-cigarette products in an effort to prevent readers from using e-cigarettes as a method to quit smoking.” The author stated “I chose this article because I had heard about e-cigarettes in the past, and always thought of them as a great invention, and a positive solution to quit smoking. When I saw the title of this article I was thrown off guard and wanted to look into detail on how e-cigarettes could cause harm to the body.” This quote demonstrated the personal impact the article had, why he chose the article and how his preconceived notions were changed by reading the article. This is the third aspect I believe the author did successfully. I chose to highlight these aspects of the review because they contributed to the persuasiveness of the review and the overall effect on the reader. Overall the author wrote a review that accomplished many things, however, some aspects might have been improved.

    The choice of vocabulary in this article may restrict some of his readers from understanding the entire article due to the complexity of scientific words. For example, I was unaware of the meaning of chemical carcinogens which forced me to pause from reading and do some research before returning to the article. Instead, the author could have given the definition of words inside of parentheses, which would allow the reader to better understand the article without disrupting the flow of sentences. A second thing the author could have improved on was his transitions between paragraphs. The paragraphs didn’t flow from one topic to another, they instead felt abrupt. For example, the author changed topics from the article's importance to society right into his critiques without a transition sentence. If the author had used transition sentences, the article would flow from one topic to another more smoothly.

    While the article had some weaknesses it didn’t take away from how surprised I was to learn about the negative effects that electronic cigarettes can have on one's health. When I saw the title of the article I was intrigued due to what I had previously thought about e-cigarettes. I learned how dangerous these products can be to your health. I will use this information in the future to keep everybody I know away from e-cigarettes. I never knew that electronic cigarettes can cause some types of cancers and bacterial infections that cannot be cured by antibiotics. I was astonished by this, as I had previously believed that electronic cigarettes were a healthy alternative to smoking. In conclusion, this author wrote a concise yet informative review of e-cigs and did a great job highlighting the importance of the issue to society.
