Katie Gordon
Core Chemistry
Current Events 2
February 22, 2015
Winter holds eastern U.S. in icy grip with record lows
Stanglin, Doug, and Doyle Rice. "Winter Holds Eastern U.S. in Icy Grip with Record Lows."
USA Today. Gannett, 20 Feb. 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.
The article “Winter holds eastern U.S. in icy grip with record lows” focuses on the current weather conditions in the eastern part of the United States. The article first starts off with talking about how the eastern temperatures have been in an all time low, with below zero temperatures in states like Minnesota who had a temperature of 42 below on February 20th. The article brought up the record breaking temperatures. For example, New York City’s temperature of 2°F on that Friday, has broken the 7°F record low in 1950."An eddy of the polar vortex is leading to the coldest weather of this recent cold spell, creating a deep layer of bitterly cold air, along with gusty winds," said meteorologist David Hamrick of the weather service's Weather Prediction Center.
Not only does this article affect me, but also everyone in the Eastern part of the United States. People who are living in Boston are greatly affected because most people aren’t able to travel to work or the supermarket safely. Some people in Boston can’t even get out of their houses because the snow from the cold weather has trapped them inside. Also, from these all time low temperatures water from rain or snow automatically turns into ice, causing a great problem with travel. Many accidents have been reported from people who have been driving not being able to stop their cars because they slid on the icy roads. Education is also affected from these temperatures, with great amounts of snow it makes it hard for teachers and students to travel to school, causing schools to close.
This article’s writing style was very admirable, the author allowed the reader to get to the point. Throughout the whole article I was able to understand what was going on, even with little words. The fact that the article holds a map at the end with states with record lows really allowed me to understand through great lengths the weather conditions the east has been struggling with. Overall this article was very well-written and informative.