Thursday, October 22, 2009

Alzheimer's Researchers Find High Protein Diet Shrinks Brain

This article centers around the topic on how eating a high protein diet can cause Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists have recently tested on the effects of several diets can effect the brain by using a mouse model. Although scientist were looking for the brain plaque formation caused by Alzheimer’s disease from the mice, they were surprised that the result of a high protein diet led to a smaller brain.
The mice were either fed a regular diet, a high fat/low carbohydrate custom diet, a high protein/low carb version, or a high carbohydrate/low fat option. Reseachers then collected data on the mouse’s brain mass, body weight, plaque build up, and differences in the structure of their brain. Uncalled for though, mice fed with a high protein/low carbohydrate diet had brains 5% lighter than the rest and in some areas of the brain were less developed than the average brain. However, it is no certain that the loss in brain mass has anything to do with Alzheimer’s disease and if the data collected has anything to do with the human brain.
This article was simple and to the point. It was both informative and easy to follow. The subject itself was interesting about how different diets can effect the brain rather than in weight. Although, the article could have explained the background of Alzheimer’s disease and maybe could have given a few foods with high protein in it. Otherwise, it was a pretty decent article.

1 comment:

  1. I Thought that Audrey explained her topic well. She got a lot of good facts that were important to understanding the topic. Audrey Also was able to hold everyones attention with ease.
    I think that Audrey could have spoken a little louder. She also could have gone into more depth when she was speaking.
    I was amazed that that a good diet can help with Alzheimer's because medicine is always advertised for Alzheimer's and i never would have thought a diet could be the key.
