Thursday, October 22, 2009

Towards Other Earths: 32 New Exoplanets Found

On October 19th, 2009 it was announced that another 32 exoplanets were found. Exoplanets are low mass planets or small planets. They have a mass less than the Earth and are also known as super-Earths or Neptune-like planets. The discovery was made by the ESO (European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) and the HARPS. This is the nickname for a spectrograph on an ESO telescope which stands for High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher. This discovery makes the HARPS the most well known and effective exoplanet hunter since HARPS has discovered 75 of around 400 explanets that have been identified (about 19% of them). The significance of the exoplanets is that some of them have a similar atmosphere, mass and temperature and if they do there is a chance that there could be life on the planets.

"Towards Other Earths: 32 New Exoplanets Found." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 22 Oct. 2009. .


  1. 1) I was content Micheal, you explained what an exoplanet is. This was the foundation to your review. Without this tid-bit of information, through out the review, I would be scratching my head over what is an exoplanet. This would have lessened the review. Second, you gave credit to the men and women who discovered the planets. This was the ESO ( Duropean Ogranisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemishpere) and HARPS. This does not seem important, but without this info I would infer it would infer it was the American Science Organization or some other science club. Finally, the way the exoplanets were found was the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher. The machine seems very efficient, because it has found 75 of the 400 discovered exoplanets. The exoplanets are similiar to earth, because the atmosphere, mass and temperature are similiar.
    2) A correction in the future, is to better explain the HARPS. I do not understand if this thing is a telescope? a computrer? or both. How does the HARP find the data of atmospher, mass and temperature if the exoplanets are too far to imagine. Finally, to better explain the mass of an exoplanet. The description is vague. The description is , "They have a mass less than the Earth and are also know as super-Earth or Neptune-like planets." I am not a science buff and I do not understand if Neptune is a massive planet or as small as pluto.
    3) I am flabbergasted that there are 32 exoplanets and this is not the headlines on the news. There are 32 new planets besides our eight planets in our solar system. How ever, this is a reccurring pattern, becuase I never see science news on CNN, MSNBC or News 4 for New York.

  2. Good job Michael. Firstly, you presented Exoplanets very well. You presented what they are, how many of them HARPS and ESO were able to find and how they are related to earth. Also I think that you explained what HARPS means and what it does well. Finally I really like how you wrote out what HARPS and ESO stand for because if you hadn't then readers would be confused and HARPS and ESO are very significant in this article.

    For a tip, you could have made the review a little longer explained some things more thorough. You also might have wanted to tell about the people who work for ESO because if ESO made this excellent discovery, their names should be mentioned.

    I guess I can say that I learned what an exoplanet was. I honestly didn't know what it was until reading this article review.

  3. Louis Florio

    3. Aspects that were presented well.
    - MIchael showed good knowledge of his topic.
    - There was an explanation of the significance of the exoplanets.
    - If you had not distinguished HARPS from ESO readers could get confused but you did that.

    2. Suggestions to make your article better.
    - You could have given more details.
    - Though you said the significance of the exoplanets you could have elaborated more on that.

    1. Thing you learned from this article.
    - I did not know there we 32 exoplanets.

  4. I read Micheal's review of the article "32 new exoplanets found. I liked how he was very clear and to the point. I also liked how well he showed how HARPS was significant. He also did a good job explaining the significance of exoplanets. However, Micheal was very brief and could have added more details. He also didn't explain how HARPS worked.
    I would like to know how far away some of these exoplanets are. If they are close, maybe travel to them would become possible more quickly.

  5. Michael's topic was very interesting. I liked how he explained what exoplanets were and how were they found. He went into detail when he said the exoplanets were found by the HARPS. Also, he explained what the HARPS was.

    Michael could've elaborated more on the exoplanets because he didn't give any examples. And, some detail like where the exoplanetes are and where the HARPS is,etc. were left out.

    Since I was interested about this topic, I want to learn more on the significance of exoplanets and their history.

  6. 1) One thing that you did well in his review was he explained very clearly what an exoplanet is. You didn’t ramble on about it; you were clear and straight to the point, which made it easy to read. Also, you comprehendly explained what the significance of an exoplanet is. Lastly, you showed how important it is to give credit to the men and women who discovered these planets.
    2) One thing that you could have done to improve this review is he could have explained more about HARPS. I am very confused about what that is. Also, you could have made the review longer and went into more detail about the discovery.
    3) This article was very interesting, and I would like to learn more about the possibility of life on planets.

  7. Clara Barth

    In Michael’s article review he presented the topic very well. I didn’t know what an exoplanet was, so it was very helpful of him to explain it to his readers. I also liked how he explained now the exoplanets were discovered by the use of the HARPS. He did a good job of portraying the point of his article to the reader.
    Michael could have been more in-depth, because I think his review was a little brief. I also didn’t understand how the HARPS work, which could have been explained in greater detail.
    I would like to learn more about exoplanets because the fact that they may hold life similar to cells on Earth is very interesting to me.

  8. Overall Michael showed a lot of knowledge of the topic He explained what an exoplanet was clearly, making his review easy to understand. Lastly, you showed how important it is to give credit to the men and women who discovered these planets.
    One thing he could have done better was to give more detail; he could have especially given more information on the significance of exoplanets. Another thing he could have improved on was he could have explained more what HARPS was that part of the review was very confusing to me.
    Before I read this article I had no idea what exoplanets were. I especially had no idea that there were 32 planets out there. Now I feel well informed on this topic.
