Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Doctor in New York City is Sick with Ebola.

Marc Santora, “Doctor in New York City is Sick with Ebola.” New York Times. 23 October 2014

I read the article, “Doctor in New York City is Sick with Ebola.” I found this article to very interesting and informative. The article was focused Craig Spencer, the doctor who tested positive for Ebola after returning from treating patients in Guinea. Directly after determining Craig Spencer was a victim of Ebola, he was immediately rushed to the Bellevue Hospital Center and placed in isolation. The day Doctor Spencer had  been reported his symptoms of Ebola a had a 103 degree fever was recorded. In fact his fever was actually 100.3 degrees. This error, according to health officials was due to a transcript mistake. The article also focused on where Doctor Spencer had been in the short reign of freedom in between his return from Guinea and quarantine. He had travelled on the subway, bowled in Williamsburg, and rode in a taxi in Manhattan. All of the places he has been have been inspected and checked for precautionary measures. All of Doctor Spencer’s friends and family have all been quarantined and are not showing signs of Ebola. Overall, I thought this article was very descriptive and filled with solid facts.
Doctor Spencer being diagnosed with Ebola is very significant to our daily lives. New York City is just 15 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. This is discovery of Ebola should raise cation with everyone situated near New York City. We need to be aware of the disease and understand that the threat this disease poses is very real and very dangerous. Doctor Spencer has proven that Ebola can be just 15 miles away from where we live which should be of huge concern to everyone. With Ebola being centralized in Africa, present in Texas, and now in New York City are all very worrying signs which need to be taken very seriously. Thankfully, the situation seems to be under control but this situation does and should raise alarm for everyone in and around the New York area.

I thought this article was excellent. This article was fantastically well written. The author was extremely descriptive and used great facts and details. The specifics of the article is what really left an impact on me. The author talking about where Doctor Craig and been and the situation of his friends and family had an impact on me. Discussing where he had been made me realize just how close Ebola is to me and just how easily it can spread. The author also made it super easy for someone who was not entirely familiar with Ebola to understand. The only way I think that the article could be improved is it was a little more concise. I felt that some of the information that the author talked about was a little unnecessary and didn’t significantly contribute to the main idea of the article. Overall, I thought although there is slight room for improvement, this was a great, informative, and detailed article.


  1. Sam did a great job summarizing this article. Additionally, he made a good point about why this article is relevant to us here in Bronxville. Lastly, he used significant descriptive words to emphasize his review. However, sometimes these words were a little overused, becoming less meaningful. In addition, Sam could have possibly given more detail when critiquing the article. Overall, though he wrote an informative review and I learned how dangerous and close to home Ebola has come.

  2. Sam did a great job summarizing this article. Additionally, he made a good point about why this article is relevant to us here in Bronxville. Lastly, he used significant descriptive words to emphasize his review. However, sometimes these words were a little overused, becoming less meaningful. In addition, Sam could have possibly given more detail when critiquing the article. Overall, though he wrote an informative review and I learned how dangerous and close to home Ebola has come.

  3. For my current events review, I reviewed Sam’s review of “Doctor in New York City is Sick With Ebola”. Overall, I think that Sam did a really good job reviewing this article. I liked how Sam gave a lot of details about Mr. Spencer and where he’d been since he got Ebola. I also liked how Sam explained how this could affect the New York area. I also liked how Sam talked about how this situation is not that bad yet; Ebola seems to be under control.

    Although I thought Sam did a really good job reviewing this article, but he could have improved a few things. For example, Sam could have explained what Ebola is and what it does. This could confuse some people who don’t know exactly what Ebola is. Another thing I think Sam could have done is he could have included quotes from doctors about the situation. This would help to show the intensity of the situation.

    One thing that amazed me about this article is how the people that Dr. Spencer came into contact with. I think it is extremely interesting that people are taking this so seriously. If there is even the tinniest chance that someone has Ebola, then they will be put into isolation.

  4. Sam did a very good job reviewing this article. First off, i thought that he did a good job relating his topic to us students in Bronxville, considering how close this patient is to us. Secondly, I thought he did a very good job with his critique explaining, in detail, how this article impacted him. Lastly, i thought the structure of his article was very well done because he broke it up into three separate paragraphs each with a sufficient amount of information. This made the review very easy to follow.

    Although he did many things well, there is still room for improvement. First i think he could have made his review more intriguing by adding quotes by Spencer or the doctors. Secondly, i thought that the part about the mistake in his temperature was irrelevant and unnecessary. It would have been sufficient had he just put the correct temperature.

    One thing that really amazed me were the steps taken to contain Ebola and how cautious they were. It was very interesting how they had to go cleanse each place that Spencer had previously been, and even quarantine his family. Overall, It was a very good review.
