Will Maze
Core Chem
Current event 9
“Afraid of spiders? Try virtual reality.”
"Afraid of Spiders? Try Virtual Reality." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Startups and universities are starting to treat phobias using “virtual reality.” With realistic and immersive technologies like the Oculus Rift, therapists could help a patient overcome crippling fear using safe, easy-to-wrangle simulated spiders. This new way to cure people’s phobias could lead to something much bigger than a pair of goggles. People that suffer from medium to severe phobia can be cured in a couple of months, weeks, maybe days! I am very scared of crocodiles and alligators (even though I hardly see any and if I do its on break). If I were to use the “virtual reality” method I could potentially get rid of my phobia in a couple of weeks. Roughly 9% of the U.S. population suffers from a specific phobia according to the National Institute of Mental Health, which classifies it as an anxiety disorder. For example, A child who was afraid of pigeons would be started by facing a single virtual pigeon. A therapist sat near him to help with their coping skills. Many more pigeons would be added as the child would then soon become increasingly more comfortable with the birds.
This is important to society because it can help people with their coping skills with their phobias. At the end of the day, even with the best animators and video, patients know real tarantulas aren't crawling across the floor. It's possible some people won't find virtual reality real enough to trigger anxiety, but Maskey says they haven't encountered anyone who didn't react yet. Virtual worlds won't trick a person into thinking they're actually on a plane, in a crowded square, being pricked by a needle or facing a horde of birds. But for many people who are afraid of flying, just the sound of a plane's wheels going up is enough to set their heart racing. This is significant because week by week the people with the phobia can get used to new stages of the plane or in a crowded space.
This article was very short and only gave a summary of what is really happening with this virtual world. There were not many other speakers in this article meaning we could not hear any other types of coping theories. Overall, this article was interesting and I did get a full understanding of what the experts were really trying to express with us and what types of coping methods really are working with these patients.