Friday, April 10, 2015

               George Daskalakis 4/9/15
Chemistry 9 D Even Mr. Ippolito
Greenstone, Michael. "If We Dig Out All Our Fossil Fuels, Here’s How Hot We Can Expect It to Get." The New York Times. The New York Times, 08 Apr. 2015. Web. 09 Apr. 2015.

In the article, If We Dig Out All Our Fossil Fuels, Here’s How Hot We Can Expect It to Get, by Michael Greenstone discusses the issue of natural resources, and what would happen if we were to use all of our fossil fuels. Digging up our fossil fuels will cause a massive spike in temperature, 16.2 degrees Celsius to be exact.
This issue really affects humanity because it puts nature and a lot of wildlife, and even our own natural habitats at an extreme risk. When adding all the rises in temperature from greenhouse gases, and emissions from other polluted gases, a makes our planet “ very likely to be unrecognizable.” Although the temperature could rise as high as 16.2 degrees, scientist say we only have about 3.6 degrees to give off, so the Earth is at serious risk. Scientists know that energy providers depend on these fossil fuels being used, but Greenstone states, “If we use all of the fossil fuels in the ground, the planet will warm in a way that is difficult to imagine.”
Overall, I think Greenstone did a great job writing this article. He found  good topic with much concern, lack of natural resources, and got right to the point very quickly. I really liked that because there wasn’t any “fooling around’ with useless information, so he had more room for facts and statistics. Also, Greenstone did a great job of getting quotes from experts and figures of high authority, which is always good to have an outside opinion. To conclude, I feel that Matt Greenstone did a great job in his article, If We Dig Out All Our Fossil Fuels, Here’s How Hot We Can Expect It to Get, and made the public aware of this ongoing issue.

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