Sunday, April 19, 2015

Katie Gordon
April 19, 2015

WWII Ship Used for Atomic Bomb Tests Found 'Amazingly Intact'

Bryner, Jeanna. "WWII Ship Used for Atomic Bomb Tests Found 'Amazingly Intact'" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Apr. 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.

After being on the floor of the ocean for sixty-four years the USS Independence aircraft carrier was located about a half mile off California’s Farallon Islands, this aircraft carrier was used in World War II. By using autonomous underwater vehicle the “Echo Ranger” and a 3D-imaging sonar system, scientists were able to create an underwater detailed picture of the ship that lays 622-feet long at the bottom of the ocean. "After 64 years on the seafloor, Independence sits on the bottom as if ready to launch its planes," James Delgado, chief scientist on the Independence mission, said in a statement. "This ship fought a long, hard war in the Pacific and, after the war, was subjected to two atomic blasts that ripped through the ship. It is a reminder of the industrial might and skill of the 'greatest generation' that sent not only this ship, but their loved ones to war," added Delgado, maritime heritage director for NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. The Independence was one of the ships used in World War II to test atomic bombs on. These tests were called Operation Crossroads, the project consisted of two atomic bomb tests: an airstrike and an underwater strike meant to reveal the effects of a nuclear explosion on a naval fleet, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

By finding this ship, it has brought up the nation’s past wars. The finding of this ship can affect many peoples lives, especially scientists by helping them understand the past more. Also, more people can understand that there are still things we are finding and our technology is only helping us find these things.

Although I found this article were informative and interesting, the base of the explanation of the ship was sometimes confusing. Throughout the article the writer tried to explain the purpose of the ship and how it was found, I had to do my own research to actually find how these facts because the article itself did not portray these facts easily.

1 comment:

    Bryner, Jeanna. "WWII Ship Used for Atomic Bomb Tests Found 'Amazingly Intact'" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Apr. 2015. Web. 18 Apr. 2015

    Katie’s current event was very well written and very interesting. I was surprised to learn that scientists are still finding artifacts from world war II. I enjoyed how Katie had a very sophisticated writing style that helped enhance her writing. I also liked how she included direct quotes from the article. Katie did a nice job telling us why this article is important and provided examples of her reasoning. If there was anything I would fix it would be to watch for some writing errors. I’d also would’ve liked for her to include more of her personal thoughts on the article. However, overall it was a nice review.
