Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Q, By Charles. "Puzzling Layer of 'Stiff' Rock May Lurk Deep Inside Earth."LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. 


The article that I read this week is called “puzzling layer of Stiff Rock may lurk deep inside earth” by charles q. This article was about scientists revisiting previous data and discovering new things about it. At first, the scientists just inferred that they had known everything about how the minerals reacted at the high pressures in the Earth. But what they found shocking was that they had a sudden spike in their data, which triggered the scientists to revisit their data. They soon found there was an extra layer in the earth, technically a liquid with a viscosity of a billion trillion. In comparison, water has a viscosity of .001 while peanut butter at 200.
Although the information presented in this article might not affect mine or your lives, it affects the knowledge base of science. One it increased it and second it answered  long tome question of seismologists, about the sudden spike in the data of pressure down in the rock. This data will be used to discover new things about the earth and what really lies beneath the surface.
Overall, I thought that the author did a sub-par job writing the article. He did not include expert opinions or why this discovery was important, therefore the article had no purpose or argument. Also, what he did say was mainly filler text, and their was only a couple facts which stuck with me after finishing reading the article. Overall, the author didn't do a great job writing the article, because he had no purpose or argument.  

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