Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Engineering Students Use Sound Waves To Extinguish Fires

The article that I read this week was called "Engineering Students Use Sound Waves To Extinguish Fires."  This article is about the new developments in firefighting technology. Common ways to put out a fire include smothering it, dumping water on it, etc. This article talks about how the two graduates Viet Tran and Seth Robertson, try to extinguish fires using sound. First, they experimented using very high frequencies at around 300 hertz, they had realized that this only made the flame vibrate and not fully extinguish it. They then took the hertz down to 30 and this worked like a charm, extinguishing flames in seconds.

This new technology could have endless possibilities. The first I could see happening just with the prototype. It could be installed on the top of stoves. When a fire breaks out be able to instantly put it out with the sound coming from the subwoofer. In the bigger picture, a larger scaled version of this could be used to extinguish forest fires at no loss of human life.

I felt that the author did a decent job writing the article. First I thought that she covered the basics of the technology but did not go in depth about how it could affect me and others. Second, I thought the the author chose a very interesting to write about too. Also, there were some flaws in her article as well. I felt that if she had explained the terms such as hertz and other vocabulary better, than her article would have been better as a whole. But overall, she had done a very good job writing her article about an interesting topic.

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