Friday, May 22, 2015

A Way to Brew Morphine Raises Concerns Over Regulation.

Mac Crawford

Mcneil, Donald G. "A Way to Brew Morphine Raises Concerns Over Regulation." The New
York Times. The New York Times, 18 May 2015. Web. 21 May 2015.

The article I chose to review was, “A Way to Brew Morphine Raises Concerns Over Regulation,” by Donald G. Mcneil. This article first explained how scientists have found a way to genetically produce morphine. This is very helpful because although it is quite easy to obtain the plant where morphine is excreted from, The actual extraction process is quite vigorous and expensive. But  making it easier to produce morphine is also very bad because the drug heroin can easily be made if you have morphine. So drug cartels would have a guaranteed, less expensive way to produce this horrible drug heroin.
This article clearly connects to our world. If this drug heroin is going to become much easier to make then it will also become much easier to sell and will be used much more. Almost all drugs affect crime so it could be said that the more heroin out there, the more criminal actions will take place.
Overall this article is very well written. The author does a great job of explaining all of his ideas with quotes and facts. Also, the article is written in many short paragraphs, which is very professional. There were no noticeable typos or grammatical mistakes that I could find. In conclusion the author did a great job explaining this topic in this article.

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