Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices

Tyler Stupart
Current Event #9
"New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.

Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas in Austin have developed a low-cost centimeter-accurate GPS system that reduces location errors from the size of a large car to the size of a nickel. A GPS is a global positioning system that uses a network of 24 satellites to determine the position of a receiver and locate it on an electronic map. Although GPS receiver devices of this caliber are already being used in geology, surveying, and mapping they are far too expensive and large to be used on mobile devices.
The new system could be applied to allow unmanned aerial vehicles to deliver packages to a specific spot on a consumer's back porch or even enable collision avoidance technologies on cars. With this new technology traveling would become much safer because vehicles could relay their positions between each other to avoid a collision. The possibilities are endless with this new ultra accurate mobile GPS device. Its creators even suggested creating a virtual reality video game that could be played outside through the use their new GPS device.

This new technology has endless potential and applications, yet the author was able to keep the article straight forward and to the point.  Although I enjoyed the article, I would have been nice if the author included how this new technology differed from other traditional GPS devices. A quote from one of the scientist who created this technology would have given the reader a better understanding of how this technology is different from its less accurate counterparts. Overall the article was very entertaining and introduced me to a new technology that could change the world.


  1. Tyler’s review of ScienceDaily’s 2015 article titled “New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices” is very interesting from a reader’s standpoint. One thing that I liked about Tyler’s review was that he picked an article that was on a topic that could influence our lives today. GPS systems are in a lot of the technology that we use today, like our smart phones with location services, or our cars with built-in GPSs. Having a more precise GPS standard could really influence navigation in the near future. Another thing I liked about Tyler’s review was that he kept things short and sweet, not giving unnecessary details. A third thing I liked about Tyler’s review was that he included uses for GPS systems that the reader would not have known without reading this review. I never would have guessed GPSs are used for geology or surveying purposes, so it is good that Tyler included this to show just how more important this advance in GPS technology really is. While his review was well done, there were a few things that i think Tyler could have done to have made the review better. One thing I would have liked to see in his review would be a quote or two pulled directly from the article, as this would boost the reader’s understanding of the topic. One more thing i think the review could have benefitted from would be a few more details on the actual technology itself and how long it took to develop, who is developing it, etc. One thing I took from this review was that GPS systems may seem accurate enough, but scientists are still working to improve it to make our lives better. All in all, Tyler’s review on this very interesting topic was well done.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After reading Tyler’s review on the article New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices, I was very impressed by how well written and informative it was. There were several things that I think Tyler did exceptionally well. For instance, his summary was very consise and had great detail. Also, I really liked his opinion on how this new technology could improve society. This contributed to the overall success of the review because you got his perspective on the topic. Lastly, I really liked Tyler’s critique because he praised the article’s importance, but also stated that there were some flaws. For example, he stated that the author should’ve included some quotes to enhance the article. There were a few things, however, that Tyler could have done that would have helped her make the review even better. He discussed how it could improve society, but he could’ve also added its significance to our generation or age group. Also, it would’ve been nice if Tyler had included some more statistics because I believe it could back up his arguments better. After reading Tyler’s review, the most interesting thing that I got out of it was that this new GPS system reduces location errors from the size of a large car to the size of a nickel. This fact is very impressive in my opinion and I’m curious what is the next step in the development of this technology.

  4. Jack Kiefer Current Event 9

    Citation:"New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.

    Tyler Stuparts current event was on an article called “New Centimeter-accurate GPS system Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices.” I think that Tyler did a very good job on his review. I liked how he explained what a GPS actually is, because some people don’t know what it actually is, and it is good to inform the reader of things that they should know just in case they don’t. I also liked how Tyler chose an article that was very relevant to humanity. I would never have guessed that a GPS system could help make cars’ collision prevention programs safer. However, it is good that Tyler was able to figure this out and put it into his review. Another thing that Tyler did that was good was he didn’t include many unnecessary details, especially in his summary, which is where many people bulk up their piece with a lot of irrelevant information from their article. Tyler didn’t do this, which makes his review easy to read and concise.
    However, Tyler did have some flaws. He had a grammar mistake in the last sentence of the first paragraph. He missed a comma after the word “mapping”. Grammar is very important, because it makes your writing look more professional, and it helps you get higher grades on your papers and projects if they are fundamentally sound, without missing punctuation or things like that. Another thing that Tyler could have done to further better his review was include a quote in his paragraph that answers the importance of the article to humanity. He should have included a quote here because when there is something you have to prove, such as in this paragraph, it is good to use a direct quote from the text to give weight to your words and prove the point being made in your writing.
    Tyler’s review taught me something that I had never known before. Before reading his article, I knew that GPS systems use satellites to pinpoint exact locations, but I never knew that they used twenty four of them always, as Tyler said in his review.

  5. Andrew Cargill 5/11/15
    Chemistry – C block odd Mr.Ippolito
    Tyler Stupart – "New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.


    Tyler Stupart reviewed an article called, “New Centimeter-accurate GPS system Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices.” Tyler did a very good job reviewing this article. One aspect I liked was how he explained all the aspects of a GPS, to inform the reader and make sure they knew what he was talking about. Another aspect I liked was the relevance of the article, as it affects most people in their day-to-day lives. He informed us of all the benefits of a GPS system, such as preventing collisions. A final aspect I liked was how Tyler only included the information he needed to include, keeping it concise and easy to follow and read. However, Tyler could’ve improved in some areas. He had a couple grammar mistakes throughout his review, and although it did not affect the way you read it, it is something he should’ve paid attention to. Another aspect that Tyler could have done to further better his review would be to include a quote or two in his paragraph that answers the importance of the article to humanity. When using a direct quote, you are giving the reader evidence from the source, in which the reader feels secure and feels like he can rely on this information. Tyler’s review taught me something new that I had never knew before. Before reading his article, I knew next to nothing about the way GPS systems worked. I knew that GPS systems used satellites to pinpoint exact locations, but I never knew that they used twenty-four of them always, as stated in the article. To conclude, Tyler did a stellar job with his review, keeping it concise and delivering all the information needed in an efficient manner.

  6. "New Centimeter-accurate GPS System Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.

    Tyler’s review of Science Daily’s article, “New Centimeter-accurate GPS system Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices.” was very interesting and intriguing. I think that he did a great job on his review. I appreciated how he explained exactly what a GPS was in his review, although we all think we know and understand what one is. I also liked how he related a GPS’ use to other fields of work and technology. I found it very interesting to learn what companies are aiming the research of this technology at, and how Tyler gave examples of how the GPS technology could be used. Although I found Tyler’s review very interesting, I feel that there could be some areas of improvement. I noticed a few grammar mistakes through the review, which are minor but with correction would help his review. I also feel that a quote from the article would have helped a lot. The quote doesn’t need to be dialog from an expert, but an type of blurb from the article to secure a reader’s faith is extremely helpful. I learned a lot while reading Tyler’s article, and I am very excited to see what this technology brings in the upcoming future.

  7. The review I chose to read was written by Tyler Stupart. Tyler did a great job with his review. One thing he did well was picking a good an important and interesting article to review. A second thing Tyler did well was his summary of the article. He included enough information so we knew what was going on, but not so much that it was confusing and boring. A third thing Tyler did well was Keeping his whole review organized so it was easy for the reader to follow. Even though Tyler's review was spectacular, there is still room for improvement. One thing Tyler could have fixed was the grammatical errors he made. A second thing Tyler could have fixed is giving us a little more background information on the technology, like who is creating it and how it differs from the old ones. One thing I learned from Tyler's review was that a GPS uses 24 satellites.

  8. Tyler’s review of the Science Daily article, “New Centimeter-accurate GPS system Could Transform Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices” made he interested. His review was great. I liked how he explained exactly what a Global Positioning System(GPS) was to give some background info. I like how he tied the GPS to other fields of work not just travel. I found how companies are trying to use the GPS as very interesting. I though he review was great, but could be fixed up a little bit. He had a small amount of grammar mistakes, they were small in the large scale of things, but they were. I would have loved to see a quote from some one involved in this study to back up his point. Overall he article was nice and I got new information out if it.
